Birth Parent FAQ’s
What are some reasons mothers choose to place their children for adoption?
Who can place their child for adoption?

Is adoption a good choice for my child?
How long will my child be with the adoptive parents?
What if I want to choose the family for my child?
Can I see my child one he/she has been places with his adoptive parents?
What is the difference among open, semi-open, and closed adoption plans?
How much do I have to pay to the agency?
What if I need help with my expenses?
What if I have questions after business hours?


Q: What are some reasons why mothers choose to place their children for adoption?
A: There are many reasons why mothers place their babies for adoption. These may include: lack of finances, age, emotional issues, and/or the desire to give their baby opportunities they can not provide at the time. Other reasons can also include situational barriers such as, the mother is in school, or was recently accepted to a college or university, the mother does not wish to be a single parent, death of a spouse, or the mother is facing incarceration. Married couples can also place their child for adoption if they have more children than they can adequately care for.

Q: Who can place their child for adoption?
A: Any woman, regardless of marital status, economical statues, age, or race.

Q: Is adoption a good choice for my child?
A: When circumstances arise that prevent you from parenting your child then adoption is an excellent choice, not only for your baby, but for you as well. It takes a high level of maturity for someone with an unplanned pregnancy to choose this path for their child. The choice of adoption is a loving, selfless act which places the needs of the child first. Though the choice may difficult, ultimately, the gift of life in a safe, nurturing and loving environment is one of the greatest gifts a mother can give a child.

Q: How long will my child be with the adoptive parents?
A: Adoption is a permanent arrangement. All birthmothers must wait 48 hours following delivery of the child to sign legal document which states you have voluntarily released all parental rights. After the allotted time the adopting couple submits their adoption petition to the court and the child legally becomes a permanent member of the adoptive family.

Q: What if I want to choose the family for my child?
A: You may be as involved in this process as you feel comfortable. You have the option of choosing the family for your baby by selecting from the parents screened by ASCS in the Waiting Families Book. You may also choose someone you know and trust or persons who have been recommended to you by someone other than the agency such as a pastor, relative, friend, or doctor. We will ensure your needs and wishes such as racial preferences, age range of the adoptive parent(s), or religious preferences (etc) are made known to the family you select. We represent you in every way.

Q: Can I see my child one he/she has been places with his adoptive parents?
A: This depends on your decision of whether or not you wish have a closed, semi-open or closed adoption plan for your child.

Q: What is the difference among open, semi-open, and closed adoption plans?
A: The types of adoption plans are Open Adoption , Semi-open Adoption , Closed Adoption . Click Here for a description of each type of adoption and what it means to you.

Q: How much do I have to pay to the agency?
A: Nothing. All services you receive are of no charge to you.

Q: What if I need help with my expenses?
A: Should the pregnancy disrupt your usual mode of income such as from employment, we may be able to help with pregnancy-caused expenses. Most young expectant women are eligible for Medicaid or medical insurance. ASCS can offer assistance to you in determining your eligibility for these services. If you are not covered by health insurance, or Medicaid, ASCS will provide assistance in covering medical expenses. All ASCS fees, counseling, and attorney expenses are completely paid for you, this should not be of concern to you.

Q: What if I have questions after business hours?
A: It’s OK, you can reach ASCS at anytime! We are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week to assist you. We urge you to contact ASCS today and consider adoption as a loving choice for your child, regardless of the time or day of the week. You may call us at (813) 425-2367 or dial our toll free number, at 1-877-408-4658; or you contact us via e-mail at